Magnum Quattro Shake Series *VALUE SIZE* - 4.5 lbs

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Flavour: Chocolate



Magnum Quattro is a unique blend of four high-quality protein isolates. Isolates are the purest protein sources available, filtered to remove as much fat, lactose, and other non-protein constituents as possible. Formulated exclusively with protein isolates, Quattro delivers a high concentration of the essential amino acids your body needs for optimal results.

Magnum Quattro™ is a 4 isolate, time-released, smooth digesting protein. With no lactose and a combination of 4 high-quality isolates, essential fats like flaxseed, Magnum Quattro™ is the great-tasting protein you have been waiting for!

Magnum Quattro™ is an excellent choice for a protein supplement because:

• Every ingredient is Pharmaceutical Grade
• It has only Isolate proteins (the highest quality and form of protein – better digestion, absorption, and results)*
• It has 4 different sources of Isolate protein for timed digestion*
• It has added Flaxseed for essential fatty acids and protein assimilation*
• There is more protein per scoop than almost any product available today*
• It will give you more sustained energy throughout the day*
• It will give you leaner, denser muscles*
• It truly speeds up your metabolic rate*

Every scoop of Magnum Quattro delivers 30 grams of protein through four absorption stages, contributing to a sustained positive nitrogen balance for up to six hours.

Why take a protein supplement?

Almost every active individual is protein deficient. North America’s stereotypical poor diet (1 – 3 daily, very low-quality meals consisting of nearly no protein) can be blamed for the meager results most people are getting in the gym. Adding a high-quality protein supplement, especially one that you will not get gas or bloating from, will dramatically change the way you look and feel.

Without enough protein, it is nearly impossible to build new muscle. Even more difficult is maintaining new muscle without adequate protein intake.

Many people have gained significant muscle from a creatine, arginine, or anabolic supplement, but drop most or all of that muscle very quickly because of the absence of a clean, high-quality protein supplement.

A high-end protein supplement is responsible for the following results:
  • Building and maintaining lean muscle*
  • Muscle and (to some degree) bone density*
  • Creating certain hormones, enzymes, cellular messengers and nucleic acids.*
  • Putting together structures that make up every cell, tissue, and organ*
Magnum Quattro™ is ideal for anyone who:
  •  Is trying to build muscle
  • Is trying to lose fat
  • Has a less than perfect diet
  • Is active
  • Is a bodybuilder, fitness competitor or athlete

Supplements Canada, or the operating company, will not be held responsible for any product information and ingredients, or any ingredient changes of this product, or any product our company carries.