Shipping & Tracking Information

FREE Expedited Premium Shipping and Handling* (
$13.99 value, Free Shipping Credit of $13.99 applied to all orders over $149.00)
FREE Expedited Premium Shipping and Handling Credit ($13.99) is provided on all orders over $149.00 before taxes. If any order exceeds the FREE Expedited Premium Shipping and Handling Credit Amount you will be charged a pro-rated Canada Post Charge due to Fuel / Excess Weight. This pro-rated Canada Post Charge amount is automatically calculated (By Canada Post) during the checkout process of your order. We love your business, so we love providing you FREE SHIPPING where we can!
What if your order is under $149.00? NO PROBLEM, all orders under $149.00 before taxes will be shipped out at our low premium Expedited Shipping charge calculated by Canada Post. Shipping amounts are subject to change due to due to weight, fuel and services from Canada Post. This Canada Post charge amount is automatically calculated during the checkout process of your order.